Crews Weapons Proficiency

Crews Weapons
Proficiency Training

About The Organization

C.W.P. Training was established by a former Army Infantry Officer with combat experience out of necessity.

 The necessity to professionally train the increasing number of new gun owners and those thinking of owning a gun to become proficient with their firearms.

The necessity to teach gun owners the mindset required to own and carry a firearm.

 The necessity to train responsibly armed citizens to carry their firearms with the confidence necessary to protect and be their family’s first responder.

The necessity to provide gun owners with realistic training scenarios that can not be trained at many firing ranges.

"I believe in becoming trained, becoming proficient, and then protecting myself and others."

Expert training in South Carolina

Available Courses

Concealed Weapons Permit

Basic Handgun Course

Personal and Home Protection

Self-Defense Firearm Basics

The Legal Use of Force

Defensive Shooting Fundamentals

"Adequate Knowledge comes from competent instruction"